We could have set out to build the perfect island resort from the ground up, but the truth is that we had nothing to do with everything that’s great about Faarufushi. We just recognised an incredible location when we saw one and did everything in our power to make it accessible to you. Words like ‘idyllic’ and ‘stunning’ don’t do this island justice; so we avoid using them. Instead, we prefer to experience the beauty of the Raa Atoll first hand. Leave the wordsmithing to others.
SELECT wp_posts.*, 1 rooms_available, 0 rooms_booked , IFNULL((SELECT price_meta2.meta_value + 0 FROM wp_postmeta price_meta2 WHERE price_meta2.post_id=wp_posts.ID AND price_meta2.meta_key='_accommodation_min_price:2024-10-09:2026-10-09' LIMIT 1), 0) accommodation_price , IFNULL((SELECT price_meta3.meta_value + 0 FROM wp_postmeta price_meta3 WHERE price_meta3.post_id=wp_posts.ID AND price_meta3.meta_key='accommodation_static_from_price' LIMIT 1), 0) accommodation_static_price
FROM wp_posts INNER JOIN wp_postmeta ON ( wp_posts.ID = wp_postmeta.post_id )
( wp_postmeta.meta_key = 'accommodation_location_post_id' AND wp_postmeta.meta_value IN ('1231') )
) AND wp_posts.post_type = 'accommodation' AND ((wp_posts.post_status = 'publish'))
GROUP BY wp_posts.ID HAVING 1=1
ORDER BY wp_posts.post_title ASC
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